This week for Homeschool Preschool, we will be learning about My Family!
I want to preface this lesson plan by saying, I do realize that all families are different–there are traditional, mixed-race, adopted, multi-generational, etc.
Our family, for example, though we just look Asian, we are a mixed-ethnic family. I am Korean-American and my husband is Japanese-British. Our kids are a mix of those cultures.
The lesson plans I have for this week, are not limited to a certain kind of family. I planned for them to be general enough, so hopefully you are able to take elements of this lesson plan and tweak it to celebrate the unique diversity of your own family.
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My Family Lesson Plan
To download the lesson plan (and all the printables), scroll down and input your info in the form at the end of this post, and it will be sent directly to your email!
My Family Unit Activities
Day 1: My Family Mini Book
I thought it would be fun to make a little book to get our kiddos to think about each member of our family. My son loved making the mini popcorn book a few units ago, and I’m sure he’ll love this as well 🙂
This My Family Mini Book will be included in the lesson plan download for this week! After you are done, you can staple it together to create a little booklet!

Day 2: Family Tree
Since we sadly have no family living close by, I’ve been realizing that my boys don’t really know everyone in our family and also don’t really know how certain people are related to us. So, I thought making a family tree would be a fun visual way for our boys to see who all are in our family.
Materials Needed:
- Photos of family members
- Large Kraft Paper
- Marker
You could make it into a tree shape if you want (I plan to), but you could just keep it simple and just draw lines connecting each member.
I also plan on reading this book before doing the activity so my son has a better idea of what a family tree is.
Day 3: House and Family Puppets
For Day 3, we will make little puppet type figures using paper and popsicle sticks.
First, we will draw our home for the first puppet. Next, we will draw each member of our family. Then, cut out each drawing and tape onto a popsicle stick. And you’re done!
You can encourage your child to tell a story using those puppets. My boys love the Baby Shark song, and also the Finger Family song. So you could also sing any family songs with those puppets as well.

Day 4: Alphabet A-G Practice Memory Card Matching Game
For Day 4, I thought we could take a break from family and practice our letters that we’ve learned so far A-G.
I have a dot marker practice, and a writing practice for letter G included in this week’s lesson plans. And this memory card matching game is also included!
My son is still getting more familiar with the lower-case letters, so I thought we could do this memory card matching game to help our kiddos practice letter recognition.
How to play: Print and cut out the cards. I would suggest printing on cardstock so you can’t see through the paper. If you don’t have cardstock, you could glue the paper onto colored construction paper. Place the cards facing down on a table, and take turns flipping two cards to find each card’s matching letter partner! (Ex: Capital A with lower-case a.)

Day 5: Make Cards for Family Members
For our last day of My Family unit, I thought it would be cute to make cards and send them to our family members. I mentioned that our family members all lives quite far away. But I’m sure during this pandemic, it isn’t easy for a lot of other families to see grandmas and grandpas super regularly.
I plan on making cards with leaf rubbings. We have a ton of leaves left over for last week’s activity (decorating pumpkins with leaves–one of my favorite activities we’ve done recently). So we will be using those leaves and creating leaf rubbings.
How to make leaf rubbings: Place pressed leaves on a flat surface (like table) and place a sheet of paper (thicker paper works well) on top. Using the flat part of a crayon color over the paper over the portion where the leaf is. And you will be left with a beautiful leaf rubbing!
I plan on cutting these out and placing them on the front of cards that we will send.

Peppa Pig and the Family Reunion
This is a cute book about Peppa Pig getting together with her relatives and getting to form a special bond with her baby cousin.
Families Have Together by Harriet Ziefert
Simple, cute, and very relatable!
Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney
This is the book we will be reading before we make our own family tree.
The Berenstain Bears’ Family Reunion
Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother, and Sister get together with their extended family for a special time.
A Perfect Home for a Family by David L. Harrison
A raccoon couple look for a perfect home for their growing family.
My Wild Family by Laurent Moreau
Description of their family members in comparison to wild animals–clever and sweet!
A Chair For My Mother
A very heart-warming story about a family who has been through some tough times, but survives by leaning on each other.
Love You Forever
This book gives me the feels every time I read it. It’s a classic for a reason!
God Found Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Adoption holds a special place in my heart, so this book is so meaningful.
God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Written by the same author as the book listed above, this book is a sweet conversation between a mama bear and baby bear.
Is Your Mama a Llama? by Deborah Guarino
A cute little llama wonders what everyone else’s mama is like.
Bible Verse: John 3:16
This week is the second week on this Bible verse!
My Family Lesson Plan
Input your info in the form below and the My Family lesson plan, including all the printables, will be sent directly to your email!
Follow Me on Insta!
I share our activities on Instagram @discoveringmommyhood I would love to have you join me there!
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What a fun unit! Learning and talking about family is so important for young children
One of the best things about homeschooling is the ability to create custom lessons that celebrate oneself and one’s family. This is a great lesson.
Looks like a fun week of learning.
I love the variety of books that you offered in your lesson plan. This was a great family based lesson
This is a great idea for learning!
Thank you so much for sharing, this is such an awesome lesson plan!
Thanks, Dayla!