We are finally starting homeschool preschool next Monday (August 31)! I am super excited, yet also a little nervous! I am excited to get things rolling, but it’s also a little nerve-wracking to start something new.
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Unit 1: All About ME!
We will be focusing on what makes our child unique. And while we are all special in our own way, we are all made by God!
Homeschool Preschool Lesson Plans
If you want to download this unit’s lesson plan right away, just enter your email address below and it will be sent to your email! This download will include a weekly lesson plan to give you a week at a glance. It will also include the simple worksheets I created for the scavenger hunt, and the student interview for the first day of school.
If you want a little extra explanation, keep reading!
Day 1: School Supplies Scavenger Hunt
Parent will hide some school supplies throughout the room beforehand, or get child to go into another room while the items are being hidden.
Worksheet will be included in the download. For each item that he/she finds, child can color the corresponding picture on the worksheet.

Short Interview
I thought doing a short interview with my son would be fun, and a nice little memory to keep in the Preschool Binder. There is another worksheet in the download with some simple questions to ask your child, and you can jot down their answers, or they could draw a picture in the box–it’s up to you!

Day 2: Write Name With Chalk and Rocks
I thought it would be fun to do an outdoor activity. Go outside and find a place to write their name in chalk. If your child can write it themselves, you can encourage them to do it. These days, I have been dotting letters, and my son traces over it.
After writing in chalk, collect some rocks or twigs or leaves and place them on top of each of the letters.

Day 3: Outlining Body
Place large butcher paper on the floor and get child to lie on the sheet. Parent trace child’s body. Color and decorate as whatever your child wants
to be when they “grow up”.

Day 4: Name Rolling on Playdoh
Prep beforehand: on a toilet paper roll or paper towel roll, write child’s name using hot glue gun. Flatten some playdoh and roll the prepared toilet paper roll to imprint name into playdoh.

Day 5: Writing/Drawing in Sand or Rice
Pour rice or sand onto a tray or cookie sheet. Child can use their finger to write the name, or draw a picture. FYI, I got my sand and rice from the dollar store–budget friendly option!

Bible Verse
To go along with this theme, our Bible verse for this week is Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
I plan to have a new Bible memory verse every other week. So it’ll give us time to memorize it. And I plan on memorizing the Bible verses with my son.
I plan on printing out a couple copies and taping one up in the living room, and another one next to my son’s bed. This way, we can practice saying it during the day, and also right before bed as well.
I find that putting motions with different words makes it easier to memorize verses. So you can be creative and get your child to help out as well!
These are the books that we will be reading this week. These are just suggestions, so you can feel free to read the same books or find other books on this unit’s topic.
Chu’s First Day of School by Neil Gaiman
It’s Chu’s first day of school, and he goes to school a little nervous, but comes back feeling accepted for who he is.
The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin
This is such a sweet book about how we will always love our children and be proud of them.
I Can Be Anything! by Jerry Spinelli
Rhyming and cute ridiculous “jobs”–this book shows that you can be anything and everything you want to be.
Same Same But Different by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
Despite living halfway across the world from each other, these two boys find a way to share about their lives and be friends.
I Promise by Lebron James
Love this book! It’s full of hope and emphasizes the importance of education and kindness, and embracing one’s identity.
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson
Silly and slightly over-the-top, but overall has a positive message about liking oneself for who you are.
Sweety by Andrea Zuill
Sweety always seems to be a “square peg”. She likes things that other people aren’t interested in. But she learns to embrace herself the way she is, and finds her person one day.
Petra by Marianna Coppo
“What will I be tomorrow? Who knows? Well, no need to worry. I’m a rock, and this is how I roll.”
We’re Different, We’re the Same by Bobbi Jane Kates
Everyone is different, but everyone is also the same. This book celebrates everyone’s unique characteristics while also emphasizing that we are all people, and being different makes us wonderful.
Hello Hello by Brendan Wenzel
The illustrations are bold and beautiful, and the words are simple yet descriptive–this is a great book for young kids! The author’s note in the back shares that all the animals in this book are endangered species. And a list of all the animals names is included at the end of the book.
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont
About a little girl who is unabashedly herself all the time, and loves everything about herself. Everyone could use a little reminder to be yourself 🙂
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Chrysanthemum used to love her name until she started school. Her classmates think her name is strange and makes fun of her. This book is about the journey of embracing one’s identity.
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
People may feel like they don’t belong because of their looks, the food they eat, their economic status, or where they’re from. But one can find a lot of joy once you start to accept who you are, and also by welcoming others that may also feel left out.
This week’s song is the “Butterfly Song”. I thought this version is cute.
One of the best parts about homeschooling is the flexibility!
I’ve filled out the lesson plan from Monday through Friday, but you don’t have to do the lessons in that order. Feel free to mix it up and not do certain activities if it doesn’t work for your child.
You can do everything for the day in one sitting, but you could also split it up.
For us, I plan on doing sensory bins and activities with both the boys. But if there are any worksheets or more “learning” involved, I plan on doing that during my 1 year-old’s nap time.
I Would Love Your Feedback!
If you do any of these homeschool preschool activities, I would love to know! Leave a comment or shoot me an email!
I’ll also be sharing daily updates on our activities over on Instagram, so make sure to follow me @discoveringmommyhood
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I have been looking for preschool activities. Saving this page!
These were some great lesson ideas! Thanks for sharing!
What a cute and fun lesson for kiddos.
This is a great print out to have in order to start homeschooling and lesson plans. I’m sure kids love to get involved in this process.
Thank you so much for sharing these ideas!!! I have a four year okd who doesnt like to trace!! She is going to love the qtip trace….hopefully! LOL she loves to paint!
Thanks for your feedback, Salma! Painting with toddlers and preschoolers is so much fun and a great way to practice writing skills 🙂