I love worksheets and printables that are seasonal and interactive! I created this Valentine’s Day Activity for preschool at home to help my son practice his letter recognition! And it’s free for you to download!
My son recognized all the capital letters of the alphabet before he turned 3 years old. He is currently almost 4 years old and he has been learning his lower-case letters over the past year. To encourage letter recognition and tracing, I created this Valentine’s Day themed alphabet activity.
How To Use this Valentine’s Day Activity for Preschool
Step 1
Download and print this free printable. (Colored and B&W versions are both included!)

We don’t have a colored printer, so I printed them on colored cardstock.

Step 2
Cut out the hearts and cut them in half along the dotted line.
My son cut out the hearts so the edges are a bit jagged, but it was great fine motor practice!

Step 3
Place the half hearts into a sensory bin. You can use beans or macaroni elbows. I will be using the rainbow rice sensory bin that we made the other week.
Learn how to make rainbow rice in this post here! It’s super easy and so much fun!

Step 4
Your preschoolers can search for the half hearts in the sensory bin. When they find a match, put the hearts together.

Step 5: Optional
If your preschooler is up for it, you can also encourage them to trace the letters on the heart and also practice saying the sound of the letter. You can even go one step further and try to think of words that start with that letter.

Download Valentine’s Day Heart Alphabet Matching Activity For Preschoolers
Fill out the form below to get the Valentine’s Day Heart Alphabet Matching Activity sent directly to your email address!
Check Out These Other Valentine’s Day Craft Ideas for Preschoolers
If you liked this post, you won’t want to miss this one! I have a whole post where I share 27 different Valentine’s Day craft and activity ideas for preschoolers!

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I share our daily activities over on Instagram @discoveringmommyhood! Hope you’ll join me there!

Thank you for sharing this activity! Valentine’s day is around the corner and I am sure the students would also want to do activities related to this occasion.
I hope your students enjoy these activities!