Here’s another fun letter recognition activity for preschoolers. It’s an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt!
My 3-year-old son loved this activity since it reminded him of Easter Egg Hunting a couple months ago. And yes, it kept him occupied for quite a while!
This activity is seriously super low-prep, since I’ve made it into a FREE printable for you!
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Step 1:
Download the form below.
Step 2:
Cut out the letters in the boxes. I let my son do most of the cutting–we’ve been practicing our scissor skills, and he’s improved so much recently! #proudmom 🙂
We use these scissors in case you’re wondering.
Step 3:
Ask child to leave the room for a few minutes while you hide the letters! I got my son to read a book in the bedroom while I hid the letters. Remember: no peeking!
Step 4:
Child can find the letters one at a time, and color in the letter he/she found in the corresponding worksheet.
And that’s it!
What’d I tell you? Super simple, right? I hope you and your child enjoyed this Alphabet Scavenger Hunt!
If you think it’ll take too long to do all the letters in one sitting, you can always split them up into a few days like I did.
Remember to share on Pinterest if you liked this activity!
And check out some other fun and easy Low-Prep Screen-Free Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers here.
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This is lovely, thank you for sharing it Rebecca! Your kids are amazing!